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Premier eurobaromètre sur la santé mentale et les enfants, 13/01/2009

Rédigé le Dimanche 1 Février 2009 à 18:21 | Lu 555 commentaire(s)

Improving the mental health and well-being of children and young people is one of the five priorities set out in the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being which was launched at the EU high level conference in June 2008[1].

A new Flash Eurobarometer survey published today on the Mental Health and Well-being of Children and Young people examined parents’ perceptions of their child's mental health and well-being in 27 European Countries. Approximately 12,750 randomly selected parents (including step-parents/guardians) were interviewed. Several aspects of the quality of life were assessed: i.e. child's level of energy and fitness, depressive moods and emotions, stressful feelings, physical well-being, child's autonomy, as well as child's opportunities to structure and enjoy his/her social life and leisure time and participation in social activities.

The survey uses a standardised cross-cultural assessment tool, the KIDSCREEN-index. The results of the survey show wide variations both between and within countries. This survey tool complements existing health data on the mental and psychological well-being of children and young people in the monitoring of population health.

For a short summary of the results:
Résumé des résultats

To read the complete results of the Flash Eurobarometer:
[Résultats complets]urlhttp://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_determinants/life_style/mental/mental_health_en.htm
ou Résultats opinion publique


[1] For more information see: Mental health determinants

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