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BELGIQUE - Fédération belge des Psychologues

Rédigé le Dimanche 18 Mars 2007 à 16:00 | Lu 6514 commentaire(s)

Belgische Federatie van Psychologen-Fédération Belge des Psychologues BFP
Agora galerij
Grasmarkt 105/18
B-1000 Brussel


Tel. + 32 2 514 75 09
Fax +32 2514 75 10
Homepage: www.bfp-fbp.be

The Belgian Federation of Psychologists is the umbrella organization that unites and organizes the different psychology organizations in Belgium. It aims at improving the professional and scientific status of psychology in Belgium, by protecting the status of psychologists as well as the rights of their clients.

It obtained a legal protection of the title of psychologist and further strives for a legal protection of the title of psychotherapist.
It set up an ethical code that psychologists should adhere, and that goes beyond legal obligations.
It provides scientific and professional training programs for psychologists in cooperation with its associations.
It is structured in the following four sectors or domains in psychology:
Clinical Psychology
Organizational Psychology
Educational Psychology
Teaching and Research in Psychology
It represents Belgian psychology on the European and international forum, as a member of the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA).
People who obtained their degree in Europe and want to work as a psychologist in Belgium can get more information on the title of psychologist.

Dans la même rubrique :
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Identité professionnelle et responsabilité sociale | Collèges de Psychologie | Code Santé Publique | Nomenclatures et répertoires | Codes de Déontologie & Instances | Diagnostic du psychologue | Ordre professionnel France | CNU, Associations & Organisations des psychologues

Collèges de psychologie, expérimentation : questions & réponses


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