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LUXEMBOURG - Société luxembourgeoise de Psychologie

Rédigé le Dimanche 18 Mars 2007 à 15:31 | Lu 6270 commentaire(s)

Société Luxembourgeoise de Psychologie
BP 1787
L-1017 Luxembourg
E -mail:contact@slp.lu
Homepage :http://www.slp.lu

Dr Gilles MICHAUX president
liaison officer (EFPA, CCD and BLP editorial board)
EuroPsy coordinator
Bob REUTER secretary and webmaster
Viviane KIRCH treasurer
TF - Clinical & Medical Psychology
Dr Vera HEITZ vice president
TF - Clinical & Medical Psychology
Jill HUBERTY member
Valérie KERSTEN member
Gaby MEYER member
Monique REICHERT BLP associate editor
TF - Educational & School Psychology
Romaine BIRDEN member
TF - Clinical & Medical Psychology
Georges KNELL supplementary member
liaison officer (ALEP)


Treasury controllers (mandated for the period 2006-2009)

Description et objectifs

La Société Luxembourgeoise de Psychologie a.s.b.l. (SLP) fondée en 1985 est l'association psychologique représentant la pluralité des psychologues diplômés et psychologues psychothérapeutes du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. L'SLP est membre officiel de la Fédération Européenne des Associations de Psychologues (EFPA).
L'SLP a comme objet :
" de promouvoir, en collaboration avec d'autres organisations, la discipline psychologique dans ses divers secteurs au niveau national et international ;
" de promouvoir les contacts, l'échange d'information et la collaboration entre ses membres ;
" de défendre une déontologie professionnelle ;
" de veiller aux intérêts sociaux et culturels de ses membres, de défendre les intérêts de la profession de psychologue et notamment de veiller à la protection du titre de psychologue ;
" de prome ouvoir la recherche scientifique dans le domaine de la Psychologie.
L'SLP organise des Journées de la Psychologie et édite lRépertoire des psychologues au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (PSYLUX, 1990, 1994, 1999). En collaboration avec l'Association Luxembourgeoise des Etudiants en Psychologie l'SLP organise des soirées d'information pour étudiants.

In 2001, the Luxembourg Psychological Society (SLP) adopted an ethical code intended to provide guidance for resolving ethical dilemmas and value conflicts encountered by professional psychologists in practice (diagnosis, counselling, psychotherapy etc.) and research.

Membership in SLP implies commitment to ethical reflections in compliance with the standards of the ethical code.

Ethical code
The SLP code of ethics has as its aims the welfare and protection of the subjects with whom psychologists interact, the encouragement of ethical conduct and the guarantee of high quality psychological services. The ethical code is inspired in its structure and content by the meta-code on ethics of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA).

SLP ethical code (in French)

The SLP code of ethics is officially supported by other national psychologists’ and psychotherapists’ associations and the Luxemburgish Psychology Students’ Association (ALEP).

Formal agreement - ALEP
Formal agreement - ALUTHECC
Formal agreement - SLPA

Advisory committee on ethics (CCD)
SLP provides consultation and support on ethical issues and adjudicates complaints of professional misconduct against members and professional psychologists. In 2006, an advisory committee on ethics (Commission consultative de déontologie professionnelle; CCD) has been installed for regularly evaluating the code and giving advice concerning its interpretation in a given context.

Internal regulations of the advisory committee on ethics (in French)

CCD members (mandated for the period 2006-2011)
Thérèse MICHAELIS (president)
Corinne FINKELSTEIN (vice president)
Prof Dr Georges STEFFGEN (secretary)
Prof Dr Dieter FERRING
Paul SCHROEDER (juridical advisor)
Prof Dr Lukas SOSOE (philosophical advisor)

Questions concerning ethical affairs may be directly submitted to the advisory committee on ethics either electronically (contact CCD) or by surface mail to the following address:

Soc. Lux. de Psychologie
c/o CCD
BP 1787
L-1017 Luxembourg

SOURCE : Site de la Société

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Collèges de psychologie, expérimentation : questions & réponses


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