Dansk Psykologforening
Stockholmsgade 27
DK-2100 Kobenhavn
Tel. +45 35 269 955
Fax +45 35 269 755
e-mail : dp@dp.dk
Website: www.dp.dk
More information about: Denmark
The Association
The Danish Psychologists’ Association is both a union and a professional organization for psychologists in Denmark. 37 psychologists founded the Association on June 23, 1947. Since then the number of members has grown to 7,315 (on December 21, 2004); 6,064 of them being fully trained psychologists, the others psychology students. The Association unionizes all types of psychologists: public employees, private employees, psychologists in private practices, (clinical and organizational psychologists) and chief psychologists.
The Association’s objectives include:
? Safeguarding the members’ interests of a professional and financial nature
? Promoting the interest in the field of psychology
? Creating better conditions for psychological research and practical psychological work
? Creating better conditions for the psychology education and for the additional training of psychologists
? Furthering cooperation between the field of psychology and other professions
The graduated members are graduates in applied psychology, Master of Education and Psychology and Master of Arts in psychology; furthermore, students of these degrees and Bachelors of Psychology.
The psychologist title is protected according to the Law applicable to psychologists etc. (Act no. 494 of June 30, 1993), which authorizes only individuals with the acknowledged degrees to use the ‘psychologist’ title.
The Danish Psychologists’ Association participates in open and close collaborations with other unions, including especially the associations, which are members of the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. On a Nordic, European and international level, there is an increasing collaboration with other professional psychology organizations.
Yours sincerely,
Roal Ulrichsen
President of the Danish Psychologists’ Association
Stockholmsgade 27
DK-2100 Kobenhavn
Tel. +45 35 269 955
Fax +45 35 269 755
e-mail : dp@dp.dk
Website: www.dp.dk
More information about: Denmark
The Association
The Danish Psychologists’ Association is both a union and a professional organization for psychologists in Denmark. 37 psychologists founded the Association on June 23, 1947. Since then the number of members has grown to 7,315 (on December 21, 2004); 6,064 of them being fully trained psychologists, the others psychology students. The Association unionizes all types of psychologists: public employees, private employees, psychologists in private practices, (clinical and organizational psychologists) and chief psychologists.
The Association’s objectives include:
? Safeguarding the members’ interests of a professional and financial nature
? Promoting the interest in the field of psychology
? Creating better conditions for psychological research and practical psychological work
? Creating better conditions for the psychology education and for the additional training of psychologists
? Furthering cooperation between the field of psychology and other professions
The graduated members are graduates in applied psychology, Master of Education and Psychology and Master of Arts in psychology; furthermore, students of these degrees and Bachelors of Psychology.
The psychologist title is protected according to the Law applicable to psychologists etc. (Act no. 494 of June 30, 1993), which authorizes only individuals with the acknowledged degrees to use the ‘psychologist’ title.
The Danish Psychologists’ Association participates in open and close collaborations with other unions, including especially the associations, which are members of the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. On a Nordic, European and international level, there is an increasing collaboration with other professional psychology organizations.
Yours sincerely,
Roal Ulrichsen
President of the Danish Psychologists’ Association