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Rédigé le Dimanche 18 Mars 2007 à 16:02 | Lu 778 commentaire(s)

Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen - NIP
Postbus 9921
NL-1006 AP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 20 410 6222
Fax +31 20 410 6221
E-mail: info@psynip.nl
Homepage: http://www.psynip.nl

More information about: The Netherlands


NIP, the Dutch professional association of psychologists

NIP is the Dutch professional association of psychologists. It is the only association in the Netherlands that looks after the interests of all psychologists. Psychologists who have studied in other countries can also become members of NIP.

NIP was founded in 1938 and now, in the 21st century, has over 12,000 members. The majority of practising psychologists in the Netherlands are members of the association.

NIP’s general objects are:

to promote psychology in the Netherlands
to serve psychologists’ social and professional interests
to provide members with a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience
NIP is administered by members of the association who play an active part in their professional association alongside their work as psychologists.
NIP is divided into four sectors, each with its own executive committee: Work and Organization, Health Care, Youth, and the Joint Sector. Each sector is further subdivided into sections representing different fields of activity.

NIP’s activities

NIP acts in various ways to optimize the quality of psychologists’ professional activities.

Professional ethics
NIP members are obliged to work in accordance with the rules of conduct laid down in the NIP professional code.

psycholoog nip
The title ‘psychologist’ is not a protected title in the Netherlands. Anyone can call himself or herself a psychologist. In order to protect both the client and the profession, NIP has introduced the professional trademark psycholoog nip for graduate expert psychologists who are members of the association.

Education and training
NIP acts to promote proper theoretical and practical training of psychologists both during their university studies and subsequently. It has therefore developed a range of postgraduate
registrations and qualifications linked to further training. NIP encourages psychologists to keep up
with developments within the discipline and to maintain their knowledge and experience

Representation of interests
The representation of collective and individual interests is a major part of the services provided by NIP. The professional association acts to represent its members in the various negotiation forums with their employers. NIP members can obtain assistance from the NIP legal advice centre on individual questions relating to work, salaries and terms of employment. NIP also informs and gives advice to psychologists who run their own practice.

Information and Public Relations
The staff of the Information & PR department are available to answer questions from all quarters on the association, psychology and psychologists. The department also provides a range of printed information materials.

Monthly magazine De Psycholoog
Members receive De Psycholoog (the psychologist) free of charge each month. This journal includes scientific articles, professional news, book and promotion reviews and association reports.

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